Privacy Policy

In this policy, Hazika AB, corporate identity number: 556765-4685 is called Hazika and is responsible for personal data while you or your company is called the user or customer.

Hazika is responsible for all information that you provide in contact with us, which can be on the website, by phone, email, chat or in a personal meeting.

Hazika can be reached as follows:
Mail: Hazika AB, Värdshusvägen 20, 818 42 Forsbacka
Tel: 070-631 00 25

This policy applies to users who visit us on the website It also applies to the use of any of our services and events as well as our channels on social media.

Updates and changes to this personal data policy are published on this page.

Collection and use of personal data
Our main purpose for processing your personal data is for Hazika to be able to fulfill commitments towards you as a user / customer, but we also collect information about you who are not yet a customer but who want to be contacted by us. The information collected includes your name, your address, your e-mail address and your telephone number. Hazika takes appropriate technical and organizational security measures, consistent with industry standards, to ensure that your information is protected from unauthorized access.

Transfer of information
Hazika does not sell or transfer any customer information to third parties.

Remove customer information
If you no longer want to be in contact with Hazika, you will notify us by post or e-mail and you will be deleted from our customer database. However, information may be saved for legal reasons if you have entered into an agreement or otherwise purchased services from us.